We need your help

Our museum grows and thrives from your participation, membership and generosity.

Founded in 2015, the Eufaula Area Museum is dedicated to the safe-keeping of historically significant objects and is actively seeking out and accepting donations of items for current preservation and future exhibits. We are determined to make this a first-class museum. We have done our homework and the necessary background preparation. Now comes the fun part ...

Become a Member of our Community

We need your annual financial support to pay for rent, electricity, Internet access, archival supplies and other office needs.

Membership Options:

  • Friend ($25)

  • Supporter ($50)

  • Sponsor ($100)

  • Patron ($500)

Benefits of Membership include:

  • Calendar with old and new pictures of the area

  • Updates on Museum programs

  • Public recognition for memberships over $100

  • Knowing that you will be a part of preserving Eufaula’s history

Consider a donation or becoming a Museum member. Every little bit helps.

Become a Volunteer

The Museum needs lots of volunteers. We have no paid staff, so everything that gets done, gets done by a volunteer.

We need people to staff the Museum when we are open to the public.

We need people to help with accepting items, doing research on those items, and preparing simple exhibits to display them.

You will never have to work alone, and you will receive all the training you will need.

If you are interested or have questions, fill out this form and we will contact you shortly. Thank you for your willingness to help the museum!